In this day and age everyone and their grandma has the perfect recipe for hair care, maintenance and growth.
There are so many products on the market that promise all kinds of things... "DO GROW, WILL GROW, PERMANENT GROW?" and in my experience 99.5% of these don't actually do what they promise.
Growing up I was blessed with an All Natural grandmother, if it wasn't from the earth/natural she very rarely used it on her hair and skin.
She washed my hair in Aloe Vera and used things like eggs and olive oil to condition my hair.
Now, I use pretty much the same but have added a few extras for a protein treatment mix which my hair loves.
So why does your hair need protein?
To strengthen
the hair shaft, add shine, improve elasticity and reduce frizz.
When should I do a protein treatment?
I like to do a protein treatments when my hair feels dry, damaged or limp, so it depends on you and your hair as to how often you do a treatment.
Read more..
My protein treatment recipe*
1 egg
2 tbsp mayonnaise
1/2 tbsp of your favourite deep conditioner
1tsp honey
2 tsp argan/olive oil
2 drops of rosemary oil
2 drops of nettle oil
Mix all together, add to your pre-washed,de-tangled and sectioned hair .
Leave for 30-60 mins, rinse thoroughly, air dry, moisturise and style.
*Deep conditioner, honey and oils are optional, for a basic protein treatment use Eggs, Mayo & Olive oil.
This mix works for my hair, when it comes to natural hair care treatments you have to do what works for you, so there's a lot of trial and error.

I hope you enjoy x