Winter is definitely here and I seriously not happy about feeling all of it!

Time to put away the bomber and biker jackets and get the blanket scarves out of storage with the quickness!
I just want to stay home in bed with a blanket, slippers and an orange hot chocolate but I can't, I have a job and a life and winter can be quite pretty if you have the right clothing and accessories.
From around Oct I usually start moaning to my friends about coats and what style, lengths and warmth issues I have when buying a simple coat for my 5ft curvy frame.
I used to love a padded coat but there were a few problems for me...
Length- Being 5ft tall coats that come up to most people's knees usually reach me at my shins and I can look like I have no clothes on if I am not wearing jeans or trouser.
Style- Some coats, especially padded, can have us funsized folk looking a bit like Michelin man...not a cute look!

Most of these padded coats don't come in petite but on the rare occasion they do, they are definitely not made for the petite and curvy.
Quality- I have lost count of the amount of padded coats I have bought which have either lost all it's feathers within a few months or burst open at the most random seem...
Long story short, I am on the hunt for a winter coat which I can wear for at least 2yrs without my voluptuous frame spilling over and leaving my booty out in cold!
Going shopping this weekend to see what the high street can offer...update to follow!