Over the past 5-10yrs a few close friends have experienced mental illness in one form or another and recently a very dear friend took his life.
This was very hard, I will miss my friend very much and pray he's now at peace!
These experiences have shown me just how much stigma and ignorance there is about mental health and suicide in society.
Words like 'Crazy, off key, loopy and weird' are some of the ways people describe those with mental illnesses and this has to stop!
These people need help and it's high time more was done to raise awareness and destroy the stigma!
There is always something more we can do or try to do, as it's quite common for people with mental illnesses to push loved ones away but we have to TRY, try & try again!
As much as you think you may know people on the outside....you NEVER know what battles people are fighting on the inside!
Yes, life happens and you can't be there for everyone but how hard is it to check in on people?
When was the last time you went to randomly visit a family member or friend on?
A call, text or random meet up for tea/walk in the park etc could mean the world to someone in need!
Make the effort where you know you can!
I once saw a a quote somewhere that said something along the lines of...
"We all look after our physical bodies but how many of us look after our minds"
It's so true!
I am now so much more aware about mental health and I fully support 'Mind; For better mental health' & 'Mental Health Awareness Week' at the 'Mental Health Foundation'
People need to educate themselves, have more empathy, show more compassion and BE KIND!!!

I STRONGLY encourage anyone who feels, low, alone or has suicidal thoughts to SPEAK UP!
Find someone to speak to!
Know that you're never alone, there is always someone!
Look after your mind, body and spirit!
For more information, check out the links below.

BBC Documentary: The truth about depression
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