Monday, 10 October 2016

Petite & Curvy: Jeans

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I've been shopping for a pair of plain black jeans for about 6 months, yes 6 months!
Why...because it seems since everyone went "Skinny", "SuperSkinny" and 'Might as well wear tights or leggings' jeans in almost every shop, it's almost impossible to find the classic straight cut or even slim fit jeans when you're petite and curvy...I mean it's hard enough!

Yes, I know they're 'on trend' and yes I know the majority of people like the 'I can't breathe' look but what about the rest of us?
Do we not buy jeans too?
Personally I do not appreciate the skinny or super skinny jean. I think they make my legs look like turkey drummers.

Nice thick thighs, with a small waist and small calves is not a great look in the skinny jean...for me. Not flattering, not happening!

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I mean come on, these look like leggings or jeggings on me and they show....everything! If you get my drift lol & why do they need to hug my ankles, let them breathe too!

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3 classic jeans, perfect for the petite and curvy girl...

The Classic straight leg

Image result for classic straight jeans women

The original slim fit

Image result for classic slim fit jeans women
The petite bootcut fit
Image result for bootcut jeans for women

Please can we bring these back fashion industry....please!?...
This may be the perfect opportunity to go Vintage shopping...hmmm


Thursday, 6 October 2016

Hair: Black Hair Care

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***Black Hair Care***

Over the past few years I have lost count of the amount of new products, herbs or methods for all kinds of Black hair care issues. #Productjunkies

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It seems everyone has something, uses something or is about to try something new but the one thing that a lot of people forget or fail to realise, is that WE'RE ALL DIFFERENT!

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What works for one person, their climate, their texture, their routine etc may not be right for you!
People seriously need to look at their hair, know their hair and understand how their hair responds to climate, diet etc and what works best for them.

That being said there are three things which are vital for everyone's hair care....

  • Water
  • Diet
  • Climate

Water- Drinking water is great for the whole body . When it comes to hair care water intake is important to hydrate from the inside out. Hydration is a must for Black hair!
Another note on water is water quality, hard water can have negative effects on Black hair. You can find out if you live in a soft or hard water are by checking links like the one below (UK).

Diet- Yes, you can do protein treatments, ACV washes, baking soda treatments etc but ultimately whatever you put into your body comes out in your pores and yes this does include your scalp.
Eating a healthy balanced diet is also key to healthy hair, skin and nails.

Climate- This is never in your control but being aware of how your climate affects your hair, is also an important part of Black hair care.
For example, I know my hair can get quite dry in the autumn and winter months so I use extra moisturising products and do low manipulation styling.

Knowing your hair is the first step to beautiful, healthy Black hair. Period!
