About 8years ago a friend came over to my house with a green gooey substance on her forehead.

It seemed to be dripping from under her super sized headscarf, so I told her something was trying to escape from her scarf.
She laughed and pulled it off to reveal a bright green conditioner of some sort...intrigued I asked her what she had in her hair.
She told me it was an avocado hair mask, she was doing a deep conditioning treatment.
I already knew avocado oil is great for my hair so I looked into fresh avocado.
*Said* Benefits of avocado
A few days later I met up with the same friend and she told me to feel her hair. It felt like velvet, it was super shiny and it smelled great too.
I didn't ask for her recipe as we're all different and I know what ingredients my hair likes.
A few days later I bought some avocado and got to work on an avocado hair mask/deep conditioner perfect for my hair.
I haven't looked back since...I do this hair treatment weekly in the winter and bi-weekly in the summer.
My hair is loved it!
1/2 Ripe avocado
2tbsp organic olive oil
4 drops rosemary oil
4 drops vitamin E oil
4 drops lavender
*Other ingredients added when required- Tea tree oil, ylang ylang oil, Jojoba oil, Honey, Banana*
1) Chop the avocado into chunks and add all oils to a blender, gradually add water till you get a smooth yogurt consistency
2) Add to clean de-tangled hair in sections.
3) Cover with a plastic cap or steam cap for a min of 30mins
4) rinse thoroughly.
Give it a go and let me know your thoughts x
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