Dating in this day and age is a nightmare...I mean I almost asked my father to arrange a date and that would not have been a good thing!
Love my daddy but NO!

*Not my actual daddy, keep your knickers on*
With all the apps, social media and media nonsense, traditional dating is almost null and void.
I have been on 8dates in the last 6months and I am sooooo ready to throw in the towel.
I've dated guys with mummy issues, daddy issues, mother of the children issues, financial issues, confidence issues, self-esteem issues, anger issues, mental health issues, hygiene issues (Wasn't really a date, he arrived smelling like a toilet and I left)... I cannot take much more of this.
What is wrong with people?

I've been told I am fussing, frigid (for not going into the restaurant toilets to give him a blowjob), unrealistic and destined to be alone but why is it a bad thing to be fussy, know what you want or what you're worth and ONLY go for that?
Someone who treats you like a queen and with respect. Who is loyal, honest and trustworthy...are these qualities no longer the "Norm"?
Today you can go online to any social media platform and find sex at every swipe but ask someone to open a door or refrain from asking for naked selfies and you're wrong?
What happened to courtship?
One guy asked me to pay his phone bill so he can call me after our date, said he'd pay me back?
One guy got a little too excited on a date and ran off trying to hide his very small erection?

One guy pretended to be in jail as he'd got back together with his ex?

Do people even have long-term HAPPY & HEALTHY relationships anymore?
We all know that not everything is as it's "Post to be" There are so many people in dysfunctional, unhealthy and miserable relationships and I for one refuse to join them just to change my relationship status.
I won't lie I was starting to worry!
Will I ever find my husband and father of my children?
What about me attracts the creepy and the cooky?
I wondered if it was something I was doing...was I putting out that kind of energy?
Not at all!!!

I love that!
Not sure what the answer to today's dating dilemmas is but what I do know is that I am not settling!
Nope, never!
God has the perfect man for me and when it's my's my time.
In the meantime....
....I am happy, healthy and grateful for life x
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