Tuesday 25 November 2014

News: No Justice For Mike Brown

As I found myself awake at 5:30am this morning, I reached for my phone to see the almost unsurprising news from a friend, that the officer who killed teenager Mike Brown was not indicted. Therefore no justice for Mike Bown.

What is this? How many of Our Kings have to be beaten, almost killed or killed by police before they admit there's a problem?

The fact the Mike was unarmed and 148 feet AWAY from the SUV should be basis enough for a police officer to use their better judgement and not shoot. Even after they tried to assassinate Mike's character by naming him as a suspect in a robbery (of which the shooting officer was not aware of at the time), there was still no basis to gun down this unarmed baby, and don't even get me started on the 12 year old from Ohio who was also killed very recently!

Feels to me like they really have been instructed to show no mercy and shoot to kill when it comes to Our boys, without giving them the chance to explain themselves first, and that makes me so angry.

I just pray that Mike's family can somehow find peace and will exercise the option to appeal.

In the meantime, with inevitable protest and rioting activities following I also pray, that no more of Our Kings are hurt or killed.

In the words of the late great Michael Jackson: "All I wana say is that, they don't really care about us".

From Micky With Love


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