Thursday 12 June 2014

Sport: Let The World Cup Games Begin!

I don't think there is any other sport on the planet that can compare to football when it comes to taking people on a severe emotional roller coaster ride. At any given point during the course of just one game, people's mood can shift through bouts of joy, excitement, nervousness, anger, hopefulness or major disappointment and although Micky and Shay are probably less enthused...I am SO ready for all of it with this World Cup tournament!

Apart from watching international teams dramatically compete for the Ultimate Football Title, the thing I admire most about the  tournament itself though, is it's ability to engage millions of people around the world and indirectly unify them through their shared love of something -  even if for a fleeting moment. 

I don't have any specific predictions, aside from the fact England will not win (ya'll already know) but, my main hope and prayer is just for Ghana to outright win every game within 90 minutes and better their 2010 performance in every way possible!

Go Black Stars!

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